The foundation with a commitment to sustainability

Our aim is to make a positive contribution to the future of our society and our planet. 
The foundation focuses on promoting innovative projects and supporting sustainable research such as battery research and machine learning. In particular through projects and initiatives for innovative technologies and solutions that not only fulfil today's challenges, but also form the basis for a sustainable future.

Find out more about our projects and initiatives:


The new materials of battery technology?

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Foundation building

Dr Barbara Mez-Starck House: sustainability in planning, construction and operation

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New advisory board member

Prof Melanie Schnell joins us

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Green Alchemy

Turning greenhouses gases into hard carbon

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Verleihung Mez-Starck Preis 2024

Verleihung des lokalen Dr. Barbara Mez-Starck-Preises an die besten Master-Absolventen

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Energie speichern auf neue Art

Die Geheimnisse von Zink-Batterien

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Get to know our foundation better with our image film:


As a scientist, she has set standards; as the founder of the foundation, she has set the course and given scientific data collection a new significance: Dr Barbara Mez-Starck was aware early on of the responsibility that the natural sciences - particularly in the fields of physics and chemistry - have for the sustainable development of society. With the development of MOGADOC as a database for molecular structures in the gas phase and the later addition of an important search function, important foundations were laid. Even today, the modern information system sets a high standard for the development of databases dedicated to the development of sustainable technologies and the challenges of the future. In the meantime, the Dr Barbara Mez-Starck Foundation is proving to be a pacemaker of transformation, also through the promotion of outstanding areas of research:

  • Battery research
  • AI methods

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